Clear Purchase

Clear Purchase EcoSystem

Network Members

Companies with Major Systems that are connected to the Clear Purchase Payment Switch, directly or indirectly.

Financial Institutions, managing accounts on behalf of Account Holders.
Examples: Conventional Banks, Mobile Money, Mobile Wallets, NeoBanks, Brokers.

Lenders, for example MFIs.

Financial Services Providers, offering a variety of financial services to their customers through the Clear Purchase payment rails.
Examples: Credit Assessment, Insurance, Payroll.

More Information Below


Users access Clear Purchase services through a Financial Institution that is a Network Member.

Account Holders at Financial Institutions: Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations.


Utilities & other Billers, providing services to the public. Includes Lenders

B2B Businesses

International Businesses - those that transact Internationally.

Note: Larger companies may decide to become Network Members.

Interested Parties

Others who are interested in the services offered by Clear Purchase.

Governments, Central Banks, Regulators.



These are companies that integrate Clear Purchase connectivity and services into a Network Member’s system. This is a special category of organizations that are NOT part of the Network (i.e. NOT a Network Member), and yet will require Certification.

Join the Clear Purchase EcoSystem

Easy to Join

Reach out to Nick Brown requesting to join the EcoSystem.

This EcoSystem is intended to assist in communication between Clear Purchase and different interest groups to discuss the most pressing challenges & opportunities.

These challenges & opportunities will vary dependent on industry, cultural norms, and even by country.

This EcoSystem will eventually develop into an Association.

About Your Organization

We will ask your industry, and whether your Organization is interested in becoming a Clear Purchase Network Member.

We are also interested in those Clear Purchase features/services that are of most interest.

We will also ask in which countries your Organization operates. This will be used to build the EcoSystem Map below, which shows the totals for each country while keeping individual Organizations confidential.

Country Interest

There is one Pin for each country in the map below that have EcoSystem Organizations, whether registered or in discussions.

Pin colors indicate the level of progress some Organizations have taken in becoming Network Members in that country.

We will approach those countries first that show the most interest.

Clear Purchase EcoSystem Map™

Beta Release

Clear Purchase Showcases

Showcase Countries

Gold Stars

Gold Stars on the EcoSystem Map indicate multiple Organizations have requested their country become a Showcase Country.

Focussed of Key Challenges
There will be a limited number of Showcases, each focussed on addressing a specific Challenge or Need.

Critical Mass

Showcases require the involvement of multiple Organizations of different types in order to be viable, as well as establishing close working relationships with many of the following:

- Governments & Central Banks.
- Mobile Money & Mobile Wallets.
- Conventional Banks.
- MFIs & FinTechs.
- Exchanges, Brokers & Equity Crowd Funding.

Clear Purchase is a common platform where everyone benefits by seamlessly and securely transacting with each other.

Common Platform

Showcase Programs

Gold Rush

Jump Start Program: Education
Personalized discussions focussed on Program Participant values, challenges and opportunities.
Access to Payment Knowledge, Education and Expertise, with guidelines and tools for Clear Purchase implementation.

Fast Track Program: Implementation
Close Partnership with Clear Purchase for a coordinated speedy implementation of Clear Purchase Interoperability, each Showcase focussing on addressing their specific Challenges and Needs.

Conference Program: Recognition

Be recognized as the Leaders you are.

Clear Purchase will promote the experiences and successes of Showcase Organizations in Regional and International Conferences, including through the Clear Purchase Association.

Get On the Map

Showcase Benefits

Golden Opportunities

First Mover Advantage

Showcase Organizations will be first to implement Clear Purchase, and also each future service offered by Clear Purchase.

Preferred Partners
Showcase Organizations will have the greatest say in changes and future Clear Purchase services.

Partners Products
Clear Purchase Partners will make their Products available First to Showcase Organizations.

Data Centers
Showcase Countries will likely be chosen as locations for Data Centers for the Clear Purchase Payment Switch.

Showcase Organizations are expected to work closely with Clear Purchase and each other in their Country.

Win Win for All Involved

Network Members

Select Roles

All Network Members choose the Roles they wish to play in the Network.

The Role relates to a specific Role in the processing of a specific Transaction, or set of Transactions.

For example, an Issuer is the Financial Institution that manages an account for an Account Holder, in any Transaction where the Account Holder requests funds be sent from their account to a destination.

The Organization agrees to a set of technical, financial and legal obligations, as well relevant benefits.

The Network Member must complete a Certification process for selected Roles. Once passed, the Network Member is connected to the Clear Purchase production system.

At this point the Organization officially becomes a Network Member.

Standard Agreements

For each Role, there are Standard Terms and Condition Agreements applicable to all Network Members.

Every Network Member can feel comfortable knowing they will all follow the same rules, receive the same benefits, are charged the same fees, and are treated the same.

Clear Purchase is a Common Platform on which all get to play equally.

Mutually Benefitial
The more Organizations that connect, the greater the benefit for all. Organizations that otherwise see themselves as competitors would both benefit by both being connected.

These Standard Agreements will be made public for all to see.

Transparency is the foundation of trust, and the reason for "Clear" in our company name.

The Process

Join the Clear Purchase EcoSystem.
Reach out to indicate your Organization is interested in becoming a Network Member.

Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). Shows interest, and starts the process of discovery.

Letter of Intent (LOI). Indicates a serious intent to determine whether becoming a Network Member is of benefit to the Organization.

Overview Agreement. High level agreement on the roles and responsibilities of the Organization as well as Clear Purchase.

Network Member Agreement. Full agreement written by lawyers covering in detail the Overview Agreement.

Certification & Going Live
Organization is now a Network Member.